A supportive
space for
owners of
complex and

Community Features

  • Discussion Threads

    Chat with owners just like you, share your wins, vent about your losses, get inspired by other’s journeys and learn together to better all of our lives.

  • Resource Library

    Community curated videos, articles, podcasts and more covering the dog centric topics you most want to learn more about.

  • Monthly Support Calls

    Professionally led group calls covering topics from self care, training advice, coping skills and wellness topics.

  • Community Connections

    Want to find local dog owners IRL? Our app can help connect you to others in your area, whether for coffee dates, training meet ups or just to support one another.

Want to join?

We can’t wait to meet you, check out the video to get to know us, our community and the onboarding process!

If you have any questions, reach out to ComplexCanineCommunity@gmail.com for assistance.

Who We Are

Jess Adam

Founder & Licensed

Alyssa Schafer
Certified Dog Trainer & Licensed Educator

The Complex Canine Community is a collaborative project between friends and colleagues, Jess Adam & Alyssa Schafer. CCC became a passion project after years of friendship, mentorship, collaboration, and equine therapy work together. Combining their backgrounds in psychotherapy, education, and of course dog ownership, training, and wellness, CCC was born.